Bolivia Cup of Excellence

Cup of Excellence Bolivia

Andrew recently returned from Bolivia where he was chosen as a cupping judge for the Bolivia Cup of Excellence coffee event. Despite a hurricane in Miami, Florida and lightning strikes on the runway in Bolivia, we managed to get him there and back in one piece—albeit with many, many different flights.

The Bolivia Cup of Excellence event featured several different specialty grade arabica coffees from various farms, co-ops and mills. These are intensively cupped by the judges and ranked by final scores. Then after all the participants have returned home an on-line auction is held with the participating coffees sold to the highest bidder.

Please feel free to please feel free to contact Andrew at our home office or email us anytime for more information on this years Cup of Excellence experience in Bolivia.

If you’re not already familiar with the CoE, we think there is real, sustainable quality in this program and encourage you to learn more about it at

Visit Us In Westlake Village

There’s always an open invitation waiting for you to join us at our cupping table in Westlake Village.

Feel free to email us anytime or call to speak with our friendly staff M-F, 8AM – 4:30PM PST about the Bolivia Cup of Excellence, current market trends, our current green coffee offerings and how we can help improve your roasting business. 800.761.JAVA

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