ROAST is a fantastic bi-monthly magazine dedicated to the success and growth of the specialty coffee roaster. It is an extremely valuable source of information for the specialty coffee community. It is our favorite place to read about what is happening in the specialty coffee communities in our great nation.
Coffee Connections is our exporter for the wonderful Papua New Guinea Purosa coffee from the Eastern Highlands. Craig and Henry do a fantastic job for us. You can learn much more about the PNG Purosa coffee on their website. In fact, there are several great streaming videos on their site where you can see firsthand the great difficulties faced by Coffee Connections and the farmers in bringing us this great coffee.
Growers First is an organization that addresses inequities in small coffee growers agricultural markets and helps to provide them the ability to work collectively and as a result a means of achieving an overall better quality of life. Growers First programs have resulted in sustainable higher incomes for small farmers, creation of new jobs in the community, and an overall improvement in the social and economic quality of life of the grower and his family.
The Pacific Coast Coffee Association (PCCA) is a fine, 90 year old example of regional coffee industry professionals joining together to further the positive impact of coffee on the western region of the United States. A truly unique and exciting association.
Fair Trade USA is the leading third-party certifier of Fair Trade products in the United States. We enable you, the consumer, to make a difference with your dollar. We help people and the planet work in tandem so both are healthy and sustained. We provide farmers in developing nations the tools to thrive as international business people. Instead of creating dependency on aid, we use a market-based approach that gives farmers fair prices, workers safe conditions, and entire communities resources for fair, healthy and sustainable lives. We seek to inspire the rise of the Conscious Consumer and eliminate exploitation.
Vournas Coffee Trading has been a member of the SCA since our inception. The SCA is the reigning association for specialty coffee in the United States and Europe.
Swiss Water provides an alternative form of decaffeination through a unique and patented water process performed in Vancouver, BC, Canada.
Rainforest Alliance Certified provides a certification seal that assures your customer that the coffee was produced in a manner that is beneficial to wildlife, workers and communities. The mission of Rainforest Alliance is to protect ecosystems and the people and wildlife that depend on them by transforming land-use practices, business practices and consumer behavior.
We meet all National Organic Standards established by the USDA/National Organic Program and hold our Organic Certification through CCOF.
Coffee Market (C-Market) Commodity Futures Price Quotes provided by Quotes are delayed by 15 minute intervals.
We put the same attention and love into each bag we sell, and into every relationship with our Roasters.