Specialty Arabica green coffee with a full line of FTO, Organic, Estate, Microlot, Natural, and Honey coffees to choose from.
Our Brazil Santos M/C Decaf is a 14/15 screen, traditional dry process, specialty grade offering that is cooperatively grown and sourced from southern Brazil. It is processed and exported through Brazil’s port of Santos; the largest in all of Latin America. In the cup, this Brazil decaf green coffee is very clean with a buttery profile, low acid, and a creamy body.
Buttery, very clean, low acid, creamy body.
In Brazil, where the majority of the world’s coffee is produced, there is likewise an abundance of Brazilian coffee that is destined to become Brazil decaf green coffee. We feel it’s important that decaf be held to the same standards as non-decafs, and we cup all of our decaf offerings to ensure clean, quality cups and uniform roasts.
Decaffeinated coffees are notoriously difficult to roast due to their unique cell structure, composition and moisture content as a result of the decaf process. Roasters should be mindful of drum temperatures as decafs have the tendency to develop significantly faster than non-decaf coffees; this should always be taken into consideration when roasting Brazil decaf green coffee, as well as our other specialty green decaf coffee offerings.
M/C decaffeinated coffees use Methylene Chloride (or dichloromethane) a colorless, non-harmful, chemical solvent to extract caffeine through a distinctively gentle process, known for its exceptional preservation of flavor, profile and aroma. Chemically it’s comprised of carbon, hydrogen and chlorine (CH2CL2) and is a naturally occurring compound found in oceans, wetlands and seaweed. It is the oldest and most common form of decaffeination, FDA-approved and perfectly safe. Regulations in fact allow for consumption of up to 10 ppm (parts per million), yet the industry norm is closer to 1 ppm, which is for processing only, as virtually all traces of M/C are removed long before the coffee is roasted.
It is a four-step process whereby green, unroasted coffee is steamed and soaked with clean water to loosen the cell structure, enabling the caffeine to diffuse out of the bean into the M/C solvent. The wet beans are then contacted with M/C and the caffeine is extracted. The beans then undergo additional soaking and steaming to remove any residual caffeine and M/C. Finally, the decaffeinated coffee is then thoroughly dried to return its moisture content to optimal levels before being packed and shipped. After the process is complete, any remaining M/C is considered negligible due to the fact that it vaporizes at 104° F, and roasting occurs at temperatures exceeding 400° F.
Cooperatively Grown
1,000-3,000 ft
May - Oct
Bourbon, Caturra, Typica
Check out our green coffee offerings. Available coffees are currently in warehouse, while forward/afloat can be contracted to receive at a later date. Samples can be sent upon request.
To set up your account a Credit Application and Credit Card Authorization Form must be completed. Click here to register as a customer if you don’t have an account yet.
Customers can choose which warehouse location is most convenient for them and arrange for their own pickup and delivery of their coffee, or we can make these arrangements for you. Coffee is generally shipped 10 bags to a pallet.
Place your order at (805) 379-5252 or email sales@vournascoffee.com using the online form. New customers are required to pay in advance with credit card or bank wire transfer prior to shipment of coffee.
If the warehouse receives all the paperwork, including BOL if we handle shipping, before 11 AM PST the product usually ships out the next day.