Specialty Arabica green coffee with a full line of FTO, Organic, Estate, Microlot, Natural, and Honey coffees to choose from.
Our Burundi Kayanza Twaranyuzwe FW G235 is produced by 343 small farmers of the Twaranyuzwe Coop. This lot of 100% Red Bourbon comes from the Kayanza commune in the Kayanza Province, which is one of 18 different provinces in the nation of Burundi. It is fully washed, sun dried on raised beds and dry milled in the nearby province of Ngozi. The cup has a nice honey dew melon and tobacco aroma and citrusy notes of grapefruit and lemon, melon and apple. For our cupping we roasted this Burundi Kayanza Twaranyuzwe slightly lighter, providing balanced acidity and an overall great taste with a medium body.
Honey dew melon, cane sugar, and tobacco aroma. Citrusy notes of grapefruit, and lemon, melon, vanilla, and apple. Medium body & acidity.
The Twaranyuzwe Coop was formed by a group of small farm holders in 2013 and has operated and maintained their own wash station since 2015. Twaranyuzwe is an independent organization within the larger COCOCA Cooperative Consortium. COCOCA functions as a coop union that offers various services to its membership, which now represents more than 33 coops, 27,000 farmers, 34 wash stations and their own dry mill in Ngozi.
The farms and farmers of the Burundi Kayanza Twaranyuzwe coop are quite small, averaging just around one and a quarter acres apiece. Some farmers have 50-100 trees, but many others have more like 10 or 20; very few have enough space for several hundred trees. One factor for small farmers with less than one hundred coffee trees is the understandable reluctance to stump (or cut back) trees that may be suffering from a degenerative health condition. At such small numbers each tree is incredibly vital to overall volume. The soil on these Burundi Kayanza Twaranyuzwe coop farms is mostly red clay that is also used to fashion building bricks for local structures and dwellings.
Kayanza Province
Twaranyuzwe Coop
5,577 - 6,561 ft (1700 - 2000m)
Apr - Jun
Red Bourbon
Check out our green coffee offerings. Available coffees are currently in warehouse, while forward/afloat can be contracted to receive at a later date. Samples can be sent upon request.
To set up your account a Credit Application and Credit Card Authorization Form must be completed. Click here to register as a customer if you don’t have an account yet.
Customers can choose which warehouse location is most convenient for them and arrange for their own pickup and delivery of their coffee, or we can make these arrangements for you. Coffee is generally shipped 10 bags to a pallet.
Place your order at (805) 379-5252 or email sales@vournascoffee.com using the online form. New customers are required to pay in advance with credit card or bank wire transfer prior to shipment of coffee.
If the warehouse receives all the paperwork, including BOL if we handle shipping, before 11 AM PST the product usually ships out the next day.