Specialty Arabica green coffee with a full line of FTO, Organic, Estate, Microlot, Natural, and Honey coffees to choose from.
Our Colombia Excelso Bucaramanga from Colombia’s Santander Department, a region known for its dense forests and natural, shade-grown coffees, is cultivated in rich volcanic soil in a near-perfect climate of 68-71°F. This Bucaramanga offering is a 15/16 Screen or Excelso grade. It is 100% handpicked, shade-grown Colombia, Caturra, and Typica varieties, washed and well processed. In the cup it has a good body and good acid, and is very well balanced with notes of apricot, orange, and tobacco.
Good body, good acid. Very well balanced. Notes of apricot, orange and tobacco.
Our Colombia Excelso Bucaramanga is produced by many small farm holders in Santander’s Bucaramanga region. It is worth noting that Santander’s specialty green coffee plantations are unique in their integration throughout regional forests, helping to sustain a naturally biodiverse coffee growing environment. Amazingly throughout Santander approximately 91% of the total number of coffee trees are shaded! — 61% semi-shaded and 30% fully shaded, allowing producers to develop natural, environmentally friendly ecosystems based on organic fertilizers and the surrounding forest. There are a total of 31,929 registered coffee growers in Santander; of its 87 municipalities, 75 of them grow coffee. Coffee farms here are typically highly modernized and produce mainly rust-resistant Castillo, Colombia, Caturra and Typica varieties.
Bucaramanga, the capital city of Santander rests atop a plateau in the northeast portion of the department in between the Andean peaks to the east and the immense El Tama National Park, a sprawling 340,000 acres of protected forests, rivers, and picturesque mountains directly to the west.
Small Farm Holders of Bucaramanga
4,229 - 5,741 ft (1350 - 1750m)
Oct - Jan
Castillo, Colombia, Caturra, Typica
Castillo, Colombia, Caturra
Castillo, Colombia, Caturra
Check out our green coffee offerings. Available coffees are currently in warehouse, while forward/afloat can be contracted to receive at a later date. Samples can be sent upon request.
To set up your account a Credit Application and Credit Card Authorization Form must be completed. Click here to register as a customer if you don’t have an account yet.
Customers can choose which warehouse location is most convenient for them and arrange for their own pickup and delivery of their coffee, or we can make these arrangements for you. Coffee is generally shipped 10 bags to a pallet.
Place your order at (805) 379-5252 or email sales@vournascoffee.com using the online form. New customers are required to pay in advance with credit card or bank wire transfer prior to shipment of coffee.
If the warehouse receives all the paperwork, including BOL if we handle shipping, before 11 AM PST the product usually ships out the next day.