Vournas Coffee Kicks Off Summer 2015 With Free Shipping

The hands of an Ethiopian coffee farmer holding dry processed, Ethiopian Yirgacheffe green coffee beans for import to the United States by a specialty green coffee importer.

So they say there is nothing free in life. Well in this case there is. Vournas Coffee Trading is offering free shipping to new customers on their first order with Vournas Coffee. Of course there are a few restrictions, but this offer will run thru Dec. 30, 2015. Please contact Stu or Andrew for details!!! We hope this will help us attract some great roasters to the Vournas Family of Coffees.

What We Have To Offer

Speaking of coffees, we are loaded for bear now finally. It has been a whacky start to this year’s new crops. With weather delays, port delays and lack of equipment to pick up containers at the port we finally are well stocked and ready to roll forward.

Here is what we have in warehouse that is new and/or unique. Of course our complete list of coffees is available at VournasCoffee.com

Spot Offerings

Costa Rica Tarrazu Puma SHB: 275 bags

Costa Rica El Tigre SHB: 275 bags

Guatemala Huehuetenango SHB Dulce Leonarda: 275 bags

Sumatra Lintong TP Tiger: 320 bags

Honduran Kingdom Growers SHG: 275 bags

Mexico Rancho San Francisco SHG: 275 bags

Fair Trade Organic Papua New Guinea Purosa: 320 bags

Papua New Guinea Kamarl A: (July Ship)

Microlot Coffees

Sumatra Wahana Estate Longberry: 10 bags

Sumatra Rasuna Honey: 40 bags

Sumatra Rasuna Natural: 20 bags

Here’s to a great and enjoyable summer! On that note we have decided to close an extra day for July 4th, so our offices will be closed on July 2nd & 3rd. We will be firing up the BBQ and waxing our surfboards for sure!!

Happy Roasting,


Visit Us In Westlake Village

There’s always an open invitation waiting for you to join us at our cupping table in Westlake Village. To view a full listing of our coffees please visit our coffee offerings page.

Feel free to email us anytime or call to speak with our friendly staff M-F, 8AM – 4:30PM PST about our free shipping promotion for new customers, our current stock of excellent specialty grade coffees, and how we can help improve your roasting business. 800.761.JAVA

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